Thursday, June 26, 2014


I'm pretty sure that no one is going to read this except for me, so if you happen to tumble upon this by accident than you should consider yourself lucky. Life has been changing pretty quickly lately, especially concerning school. I am going to graduate a year early, and after hearing all the stupid remarks, from almost everyone but my family, I am finally tired of it. I didn't take to kindly to it at first, but now its even worse. So I just want you to know that if someone decides to do something that you think is stupid remember that they might have put more thought into it than you think, and that just because you think its stupid doesn't mean it is. (Just a thought to remember) I would be more willing to listen to these people if they were actually concerned for me, but the truth is they just want to tell me what an idiot I am. So next year when I'm graduated and all the people in my class are wishing they had done the same thing because they're tired of highschool, I'm going to laugh. And I hope they remember what jerks they were someday when my life is so much better than theirs because of my decision. Sorry this was mostly a rant session, so I'm sorry if you actually took the time to read it.

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